
Showing posts from October, 2021

Adrenal Fatigue: Causes and Symptoms

  Does someone you know feel tired and exhausted all the time even after getting ample sleep? Do they feel sudden cravings for salty foods? Fatigue is more common in women than men. There is no scientific reason for the gender difference, but women between the ages of 18 to 44 years  are two times  more likely to feel tired and exhausted, than men.  Your adrenal glands  play an essential role in maintaining your everyday health. They are responsible for producing hormones that help regulate inflammation and blood sugar levels, distributing protein and fat, and how your body reacts to stress. When your adrenal glands don’t produce plenty of hormones, it can cause adrenal insufficiency or adrenal fatigue. What’s the Difference between Adrenal Fatigue and Adrenal Insufficiency? Adrenal insufficiency is a form of Addison’s disease that occurs when the adrenal glands fail to produce enough hormones. When the adrenal insufficiency is mild, it’s called adrenal fatigue....